How to Download and Use QuickBooks Component Repair Tool?

When installing QuickBooks, you may come across various errors such as QuickBooks Error 1603, 1935, 1904, 1402 etc. These errors are said to be quite risky and that can provide you with the worst experience of QuickBooks at the very early stage. But, Intuit provides many solutions which can be solved by ourselves and thus provides free tools in which you can fix several types of QuickBooks errors that are faced. An important tool that you can download free to resolve the errors is QuickBooks Component Repair Tool, using the Microsoft components combined in QuickBooks, like Framework, Microsoft MSXML,  Microsoft.NET, and Microsoft Visual C++.

How to Fix QuickBooks Installation Errors?

  1. Usage of QuickBooks Installation Diagnostic Tool
  2. Firstly, you need to download QB Installation Diagnostic Tool.
  3. When you have completed the download, the file must be saved in the local desktop.
  4. Now, delete all the executing programs and perform QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.
  5. Then, restart your computer system, thereafter running the tool.

The Process of Windows Update to be Downloaded

You will be not allowed to install or open QuickBooks on your desktop when your window is out of date. Outdated Windows will leave some updates with respect to the software that involves, Visual C++, MSXML, and .NET Framework.

Therefore, it is necessary that you update your window. Windows can also be updated on your desktop by clicking on the  Windows key present on the keyboard and then enter as Windows Update. After performing the updates, do not neglect to reboot or restart your system. Once more, you attempt to install QuickBooks.

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Steps to Fix Errors with QuickBooks Component Repair Tool

If QB Installation Diagnostic Tool doesn’t resolve errors stopping QuickBooks installation then, you may follow with the below options.

  1. Rebuild the .NET Framework.
  2. You can reconstruct the Microsoft MSXML manually.
  3. It is preferable to attempt these mentioned tasks with the help of IT professionals or advanced Windows professionals.


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Step 1: Rebuild .NET Framework

The .NET Framework is an element of Microsoft, which is used by QuickBooks to connect with web applications.

Because of the issues with Microsoft.NET Framework, you may come across different errors, like Error 1603, Error 1722, Error 1903 and Error 1904.

To repair damaged Microsoft.NET Framework you need to follow these steps:

  1. The initial step is to Download QuickBooks Component Repair Tool
  2. Save your file on the local desktop, when it is provoked.
  3. After, Close all the programs that are running and double click on the QBInstall_Tool_v2.exe
  4. Later the process of diagnosis has been completed, you just need to restart your system.
  5. After the completion of repair Microsoft.NET Framework, if you still occur errors then:
  6. Then, Click on the Windows key from your keyboard.
  7. Enter as Windows Update in the search bar.
  8. Examine whether the Updates are performed clearly. 

Step 2: Reconstruct the Microsoft MSXML

  1. QuickBooks will not perform when it views the damaged Microsoft MSXML component. In order to repair the MSXML component which is damaged, you must follow these given procedures,
  2. You must register MSXML DLL files
  3. Uninstall and reinstall MSXML 6.0
  4. Download and install MSXML 6.0 SP1
  5. Repair the MSXML 6.0

Ways to Download QuickBooks Component Repair Tool

To download QuickBooks Component Tool you need to follow these steps:

  1. Before restarting your system. Close all the programs.
  2. Download QuickBooks Component Repair Tool.
  3. To execute the program, double-click on the recently downloaded file. Restart or reboot your computer after running the tool.

If experiencing unwanted issues while installing QuickBooks accounting software or want to know more about QuickBooks Component Repair Tool, then connect with our certified technical experts by dialing toll-free QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number.

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